Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Methods Of Curing

-1.Water Curing
-d.Wet Covering
-2.Membrane Curing
-3.Application Of Heat
-a.Steam Curing
-b.Infra Red Radiation Curing

-c.Electrical Curing
Immersion Curing
Ponding Curing
Spraying Curing
Wet Covering Curing
Membrane Curing
Steam Curing

Reasons For Curing

-Laboratory tests show that concrete can lose 50% strength if it is in dry environment
-Higher Temperature = Early Strength Gain
-Better surface hardness
-Makes concrete more water tight

-Better appearances

Curing Of Concrete

-Maintaining of an adequate moisture content & temperature
-Develop such properties it was designed to achieve
-Begins immediately after placement & finishing
-Concrete may get its desire strength

-Cementitious material in concrete cannot react to form a quality product without adequate supply of m/c
-Drying may remove the water needed for hydration
-Rate of hydration & strength development is faster at higher temperatures
-Temperatures should be higher than 10C

-Uniform temperature should be provided

Compacting Factor Apparatus

-Determine the workability
-Compacting factor apparatus is used
-1.Weigh the empty cylinder
-2.Place fresh concrete in upper hopper
-3.Open the gate & allow concrete to fall into lower hopper

-4.Open gate of lower hopper so that it falls into cylinder
-5.Cut off excess concrete from top of cylinder & weigh the cylinder containing concrete
-6.Deduct the weight of empty cylinder & new weight is called as the weight of partially compacted concrete
-7.Cylinder is filled again with fresh concrete & vibrated or tamped to obtain full compaction
-8.Concrete in cylinder is weight again & this is called as weight of fully compacted concrete

  • Compacting Factor = Wt. Of partially compacted conc./Wt. Of fully compacted conc.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Measurement Of Workability

-Many different methods to measure workability
-Most common are Slump Cone Test & Compacting Factor Test
-Ball Penetration
-Flow Table Test

-Vebe Test

7.Use Of Admixture

-Most Important Factor which affects the workability
-Plasticizers, Super-Plasticizers

6.Grading Of Aggregates

-Maximum influence on workability
-Well graded aggregate has least amount of voids

-Better grading>Less Void Content>Higher Workability